Skip to content- Solid-State Physics
- Theoretical Physics
- Crystal Chemistry
- Physico-Chemistry of Polymers
- Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
- Genetics, Selection and Genetic Engineering
- Bioenergy and Electrophysiology of Secretory Cells
- Complex Analysis
- Functional Analysis
- Mechanics
- Numerical Simulation and Optimization of Physical and Mechanical Fields
- Acad. E.Lazarenko Mineralogical School
- Prof. M.Yermakov Thermobarogeochemical School
- Geographical Ukrainian Studies
- Engineering, Ecological and Regional Geomorphology
- Development of the agro-industrial complex of Western Ukrainian region
- Economic and Mathematic Modelling
- Franko Studies
- Slavic Studies
- History and Culture of Western Ukraine
- Theory and History of Journalism
- History of Philosophy
- Theory and History of Jurisprudence
- Criminal Law and Procedure